Hi and welcome to the subcription form of the Amateur Solar databases !
The following lignes explain the rules of the databases :
Facing the expansion of the number of solar amateur observers in Ha, Continuum and Cak line many images are displayed on the WWW without a good solar activity synthesis. Moreover, if observers belong to mailing-lists, it is not always easy to find quickly the picture you want to see. With these databases, we hope to collect a large sample of results from the whole amateur community in solar observation. The database is now extended to helium, magnesium, h-beta, magnetogram, dopplergram which can be imaged using Sol'Ex developed by Christian Buil but also eclipses.

Rules of work :
Even if only members are authorized to upload their images in the database, this one will be displayed for everyone by the website link. Indeed, we chose, according to security, to know people who can access the databases. However, as said before, one of the goal of this initiative is to made images archive for everybody, amateur or professional why not.
Becoming a member will allow you to transmit in live some pictures visible by everyone in accordance with the solar phenomenones of the day, sometimes fast, and respecting some rules to harmonise the management and the general view of these databases.
You become a member to post images, not only to become a member for fun. An update will be done periodically.
Our promises, in return of your participation, even if it is nothing, to link every active members websites .

Acceptance criterions of your work by the database :
1/ All recording fieldforms of your observation must be filled
2/ Maximum size information is limited at 500 ko.
3/ Maximum size picture won't exceded 3000x3000 pixels
4/ Only *.jpg, *.png and *.gif (small letters) extensions are permitted.
5/ All fields forms must be respected as shown.

If you accept these rules, thanks to fill the e-mail subscription form :